Vegetarian whole grain pizza
In vegetarian whole grain pizza, you get a lot of vegetables, fibres, healthy nutrients and in addition olive oil. Inspired by the Mediterranean diet.
In vegetarian whole grain pizza, you get a lot of vegetables, fibres, healthy nutrients and in addition olive oil. Inspired by the Mediterranean diet.
Vegetarian soup is healthy, filling and good. This vegetarian soup is made according to the blue zone method. It tastes good, and has great health benefits.
Vegetarisk soppa är hälsosam, mättande och god. Denna vegetariska soppa är gjord enligt blåzone metoden. Förutom att det smakar gott är det bra för hälsan.
Turkish vegetable gratin is a completely vegetarian dish. Easy to make and adapted to most diets. It is a great way to get recommended fruits and vegetables.